Title | Tashkent City |
Brief | Tashkent is a very hospitable city where everyone literally keeps their door open. So the open doors became a universal symbol representing discovery, the souls of Tashkent's citizens and clues to its origins, as Tashkent was historically surrounded by 12 city gates. The design can change colour and include various patterns and figures, which allows it to be integrated into any urban environment. |
Campaign | Tashkent City |
Advertiser | Public Council of Tashkent City |
Brand | Tashkent City |
Posted | November 2019 |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Corporate/Brand Identity |
Design Director | T...r S..i Subscribers Only |
CSD | E...a Ib.....ova Subscribers Only |
Designer | S...an Li....ov Subscribers Only |
Designer | A..z Y....ov Subscribers Only |
Designer | R....an Ki.....hov Subscribers Only |
Designer | Z...r Kh.....ov Subscribers Only |
Designer | An.....iya Ta......nko Subscribers Only |
Motion Designer | A...an C...ek Subscribers Only |
Motion Designer | T...r Ye....ev Subscribers Only |
Music | O...r J....ov Subscribers Only |
Music | Sa....im K....ov Subscribers Only |
Design Company | M...O Br....ng Subscribers Only |