Enzo´s Foods - "Admixture Sans Board" by PHNX Awards 2022

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TitleAdmixture Sans Board
Campaign Admixture Sans
Advertiser Enzo´s Foods
Brand Enzo´s Foods
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2021 / 10
Product Organic and natural foods
Business Sector Food
Story Description Many studies show how important it is for today's customers to have clarity at the time of purchase, especially in the healthy product category. They want to easily know what they are consuming, without having to read the fine print on the packaging. That's why we created for Enzo’s foods: admixture sans, a display typography with 2 versions (flat and overlap), that just by writing it and choosing the color of its letters correctly, tells us what ingredients their products have. And if used in other ways, it still talks about how natural and fresh the brand is. Use of Type Typography is a brand's own asset. It is developed with the aim of creating a communication system for the entire line of packaging and architecture of comunication for Enzo's foods. Design Solution That is why we created Admixture sans, a display typeface, created to be used mainly in the packaging of the Brand, with 2 versions (flat and overlap) that just by writing it and choosing the color of the letters, tells us what ingredients it has without having to delve into the fine print on the label, but if it is used in other media it still speaks to how natural and fresh the brand is. Brief Impact consumers of healthy products with a disruptive idea that provides a solution to the main ailment of the target: Know what we are feeding ourselves with and how transparent the brands are regarding their ingredients; which according to The Food Industry Association, today is no longer an option, it is a must.
Media Type Case Study
Account Management
Creative Director
Managing Director
Graphic Designer
Account Executive
Strategic Planning Director