Chilean Red Cross - "Re-united (Film)" by PHNX Awards 2022

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TitleRe-united (Film)
Title (original language)Re-unidos
Campaign Re-united
Advertiser Chilean Red Cross
Brand Chilean Red Cross
Date of First Broadcast/Publication 2022 / 4
Product Restoring Family Links Program
Business Sector Institutional/Public Interest/Non-Profit Org.
Story Context: The purpose of the Restoring Family Links Program of the Chilean Red Cross is to find the whereabouts of missing people, restoring contact among relatives who have been separated as a result of a disaster or catastrophe. A program that is totally unknown in Chile, a country with over 7,000 seismic events a year. Idea: Inspired in a legend that there is a red thread connecting people who are destined to find each other, together with an artist we created two hand-embroidered works representing two of the biggest natural disasters in our country’s history: the 2010 earthquake and the 2015 tsunami. We use them to tell the story of two families who were reunited thanks to the program, letting Chileans know that our service can be fundamental at times of emergency like these. A work that is thanks to talent of visual artist María Lavanchy, who only used red and black thread embroidered on watercolor paper to make it.
Media Type Case Study
Creative Director Felipe Porte
Art Director Benjamín Sánchez
Copywriter Felipe Alarcón
Agency Producer Constanza Figueroa - Mauricio Álvarez
Production Estudio Fe
Post Production Plataforma Digital - Mantra - Synchroland