Juggle, elaborate, interpret, placate and occasionally point cameras.
How did you get into this job?
Its all I've ever done. I did work experience at an ad agency, studied film at university, worked on films sets after that and now i direct. I'm hopelessly unqualified for the real world.
What is most challenging about what you do?
Getting the to the point where everyone's working hard to make something that looks remarkably like something none of us have ever seen before.
What is most rewarding?
The first time the edit clicks into place. It's the moment you cross the hump and shift from creating to refining. i love that bit. the beer tastes better those evenings.
What’s a typical work week like?
I have no idea what a typical week is. that's why this job is still so much fun.
What needs to happen the most in order for a shoot to run smoothly?
Prep. then more prep.
Whats your best job/worst job?
I think a lot of the time it comes down to the relationship with creatives. the best jobs are those when your lined up side by side with the same aim - all the boring processes and protocals disappear and its purely an arms race of getting good ideas to work. the worst jobs is when the energy's not returned.
What advice would you offer someone considering a career as a Director?
Do it. its the best job in the world.
If you had one project that you could post on AdForum to represent your work, what would it be?
Battersea Dogs Home. Its my favourite. i love the writing, and loved shooting it. from a filmmaking perspective its certainly my most mature work featuring a grown man urinating.
Finally tell us something that most people don’t know about being a Director?
When you first read a script and look look down at the blank page to begin work on it... its the most sublime moment of fear, ego, ambition, doubt and daring... its totally addictive. That, and when your a director on set.... no one really tells you off for mucking about with all the cool shit in the trucks.