Give us an overview of the campaign, what is it about and what was your role in the creation?
For the third year in a row, we created an integrated Christmas campaign for Manor, one of the main Swiss retailers. Once again, our campaign is set in the universe we created for the brand—a beautifully crafted world where cute elves are the witty guardians of a perfect Christmas. To do so, we decided to work again with Passion Paris and the amazing director Kevin Grady from AgainstAllOdds. As CDs, we were very anxious to find the perfect tale after “The Letter” (2017) and “The Gift” (2018), to keep the consistency and yet create surprise and renewed emotion. This is why we entrusted the task of creating a magical, 360 campaign with the talented team Clara Lafuente (CW) and Jonathan Baudet-Botella (AD).
How is this holiday communication is different from the usual for this advertiser?
When all-year long communication on Manor is made of realistic live action print and TVCs, the Christmas campaign is always pure magic, thanks to the use of our CGI universe and characters. It has become a yearly rendez-vous in Switzerland.
The elves are back for the third year in a row.
Yes, as we believe they are the most adorable and funny characters we could have imagined. Each year, we learn a bit more about them—their personalities and the specific role they have in ensuring the most perfect Christmas for each family. This year, to renew the fun, we created (what we believe to be) the perfect villain to ruin their plans.
What’s a “behind the scenes” story that only you know about?
The trigger of this year’s film is the birth of a baby, so overwhelming that his parents didn’t get a chance to prepare a proper Christmas for themselves. Truth is that our AD Jonathan’s fiancée was pregnant at the time the team came up with this idea. Obviously, real life inspiration has again led to the best of stories!
What can we expect for the elves for 2020?
It has not yet been decided… Will they retire from screen and leave the trilogy as it is? Will they come back with another surprise? Let’s let the magic decide.