Thiago Carvalho
Group Creative Director at Huge
New York, United States
TitleDream (330s)
BriefTo the lyrics of "I Dreamed A Dream" from Les Miserables, we see a series of animals who are doing fine until humans begin destroying everything. A young pelican is ready to fly until he is stuck in oil. The whales are gentle giants ill-equipped to combat mankind despite their size. A rhino baby plays happily with his mother, until he sees that she is about to die because of her horn. And the childlike innocence of seals is shattered when the hunters arrive.
Campaign Dream
Advertiser Wildlife Conservation Film Festival
Brand WCFF

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PostedNovember 2017
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
ProblemSubscribers Only
Media Type Web Film
Creative Director I...o D...a Subscribers Only
Creative Director T...go Ca....ho Subscribers Only
Copywriter L...s C...�o Subscribers Only
Art Director R..z Subscribers Only
Production Company Subscribers Only

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