Havas Germany
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Düsseldorf, Germany
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Tell us about your role in the creation of this work?
I was lucky to be part of a group of dedicated and talented people who believe that we can make the world a cooler place.
Give us an overview of the campaign. What is it about?
Justdiggit is an organization that wants to fight climate change through regreening. They already and successfully started out of the Netherlands (with the help of our friends from Havas Lemz) to regreen big areas in Tanzania and Kenia. We (Havas & Havas PR & Havas Media Germany) joined the team of believers and doers to launch Justdiggit in Germany.
Now, for the launch campaign, we were able to get the famous German Hip Hop legend Thomas D – for whom climate protection is a matter close to the heart - on board as official Justdiggit ambassador.
Tell us about the details creative brief, what did it ask?
The goal was to make Germans not only aware of the idea but believe and engage in the cause. We want to motivate as many people as possible to make a contribution to the challenge of climate protection and to join the conversation.
Which insight led to the creation of this piece of work?
Justdiggit strongly believes in offering a genuine solution. There are so many (important) organizations who create awareness for the problems in our world. Justdiggit ambition is beyond this; they want to offer a very simple and tangible solution. This is a big differentiator that has an impact on the way we communicate.
What was the greatest challenge that you faced bringing this campaign to life?
We had to join forces between creative, media, PR, developers, publishers and Justdiggit as “the client”. Getting all these parties aligned is a real logistic challenge. But since the mindset was equal, we managed easily.
And what did you enjoy most about seeing this campaign through?
That really everyone – from intern to our celebrity, Thomas D. – stood 100% behind the cause and was willing to invest their personal time and talent. And when you are able to create a gang, well, everything is possible.
Where do you see this campaign going in the future?
More celebrities. More influencer. More supporters. More content, more trees. A greener Africa and a cooler planet.