Francesco Perillo
Copywriter at Proximity London
London, United Kingdom
TitleGiving PiP the ideal identity
BriefPiP stands for Pursuing independent Paths. It‘s a small charity that teaches adults with learning disabilities to live more independent lives.So, when PiP asked us to update the charity’s identity, we had an idea. We’d find a fresh way to use design that would express each student’s individual identity too. Bringing form and function together in an exciting new way.When we – and they – were happy with the core identity we asked ourselves how to take the idea further. To build a unified design that could also be personalised.We looked at one particular component – the letters that make up PiP – and created a series of patterns for them. Then we invited each student to choose their own pattern combination. Their decision-making even became part of their arts curriculum.At this point it ceased to be just a PiP identity. It became each student’s identity. Full of the hope and joy which ultimately comes from the students themselves.
Campaign Giving PiP the ideal identity
Advertiser Pursuing independent Paths
Brand PiP

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PostedFebruary 2019
Business SectorSubscribers Only
StorySubscribers Only
Media Type Web Film
Copywriter P....lo Subscribers Only
Head of Design B...n E...e Subscribers Only
Designer ..y Subscribers Only

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