Mathias Wikstrom
It’s no secret that our consumption life style is eating away on our planet. CO2 levels are at record high and even climate sceptics are feeling the heat. In the Nordic’s we find a dying Baltic sea, 15% is already dead, and the highest usage of digital transactions/credit cards, that’s both relevant to Ålandsbanken, situated on a small island. The bank has chosen to work with the targeted SDG:s 8, 12 and 13 in their daily operations (see extract from Annual Report 17, all relevant to their brand values; responsible, personal and ambitious. In the making of Aland index also SDG 6 and 17 are critical.

BRIEF: Engage our clients to improve the sea by making use of our history of supporting environmental projects and our brand values.

Create a cost efficient idea for activation based on brand, origin and problem in order to:
1. Influence clients to join as agents for change together with the bank.
2. Engage in partnerships and enter new “rooms” of client prospects, governments and civil society.
3. Invite the industry along and enable other banks to engage their clients as well, there is other seas in the world with similar problems.

To be frank it is very unsatisfying and sad. In one of the most developed parts of the world we also have one of the most polluted inner seas. There is ways to get the state of the Baltic Sea in order, and some are being successfully tested. However consumers need to understand their impact and adapt their lifestyle to a more sustainable perspective and politicians need to step out of their comfort zone in order to team up and sort out the challenging environmental state of the Baltic Sea together. There is just not enough tools to measure, engage and adjust in the daily actions. There is a combined need of both funding and understanding.

We developed the creative idea based on two principles
1. Follow the money; drive change by making use of something people do very day.
2. What gets measured gets managed; give people a chance to see the impact of their consumption.
So we developed the Baltic Sea Project Card with the Aland Index. It measures the CO2 impact
of every credit card transaction. It also presents a digital report with the monthly bill in Euro as well as C02 and suggests local, global or lifestyle actions to compensate for your foot print. The idea makes complex data simple, and technology work seamless, turning your tool for consumption into a purposeful instrument for nature; relevant every purchase. By working in partnership with MasterCard, WWF, KPMG and Thomson Reuters and with carbon pricing by the World Bank we made sure it could scale to be used in any part of the world.

We targeted influencers and press in Sweden and Finland. Our data gathering focus was on digital and social distribution to clients presenting the idea; “What can a bank do to save the sea”. Fundamental to the success was to activate partners. Not only to develop the project but also the communication, we had MasterCard, KPMG, Gemalto, WWF Finland and Reuters Thomson compensating for the little voice of the bank with the large voice of their channels. We also engaged with academy, science and civil society activating professors, scientists, philanthropists and politicians. But sustainable change is not a one off, it’s created together, so we offered other banks the idea for free, hoping to engage them and their clients in driving change and measure up to the SDGs.

We implemented according to plan using power of partners with the fact that we also offered if to all competitors for free as a catalyst. Clients are provided with impact reports with the digital credit card bill. We also developed the bio-sourced Baltic Sea Credit Card to connect all clients of the bank to the idea. The credit card has a cause driven design replacing all other cards in the bank and MasterCard approved the first ever cause driven front, all other signage sent back.

Ålandsbanken targets SDG 8, 12 and 13, Aland Index adds 6 and 17. The initiative has with funding and understanding contributed to advancing the SDG:s mentioned, within staff, clients and market.
1. Influence clients. RESULT: All 90 000 clients see their carbon footprint and can compensate in partnership with WWF. Brand awareness: +348%. BalticSeaSavingsAccount: +34%. Donations generated targeting SDG:s 6, 8, 12 and 13: +630 000 €.
2. Engage in partnerships and enter new “rooms”. RESULT: Invited as actionable example to United Nations NYC, UNFCCC Bonn and numerous events around the world. (see samples on case board). It’s a case study and endorsed by President of Finland, Swedish Minister Consumers and Swedish Minister Environment.
3. Invite and enable other banks to engage their clients. RESULT: Last year we enabled our 90 000 clients to calculate and offset footprint. This year 16.200.000 clients of banks in 12 countries can too.

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