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Title | Corpus IT School Identity |
Brief | Corpus is a new type of IT school that teaches programming, robotics, blockchain and computer technologies. These disciplines are based on cellular automata: mathematical models created in the 1940s. Cellular automaton consists of cells and is guided by a set of rules. The cells can die, revive, move, clone themselves and create stable figures. They are known by every programmer. This is not just a graphic trick, it’s a widely used model – the very soul of programming. The visual identity was not just drawn, it was programmed. |
Agency | Voskhod |
Campaign | Corpus IT School Identity |
Advertiser | Voskhod |
Brand | Corpus IT School |
Date of First Broadcast/Publication | Subscribers Only |
Business Sector | Subscribers Only |
Story | Subscribers Only |
Media Type | Corporate/Brand Identity |
Length | |
Creative Director | A...ey Gu......lin Subscribers Only |
Art Director | M...m Ge.....ko Subscribers Only |
Art Director | Vl.....av Der......ikh Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | A...n Subscribers Only |
Copywriter | D...a Subscribers Only |
Designer | A...ey K...ov Subscribers Only |
Designer | K...ll Subscribers Only |