Henry Mandelbaum
Creative & Innovation Director at 20Dash
São Paulo, Brazil

Henry Mandelbaum Interview(s)

PHNX Tribute Jury

Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury?
I think this is an amazing initiative. And If I have the opportunity to give back to the industry I will definitely take it. We are living difficult times and, as creatives, we can make a change. I hope I can get to see ideas that transcribe that.
What impact do you think the event might have on the industry?
I think that this model is completely disruptive. Completely online and with no fees, this award show have the chance to create something new in a flooded market. And specially, hosting it with no fees might move the spotlight a little bit. Lets see what happens.
What do you think of the hybrid jury, which includes strategists and journalists alongside creatives?
I think the hybrid jury makes the awards even richer because we can focus on much more than just the execution. Let me explain. I love the model of journalists judging advertising. It makes it more interesting, makes our universe expand. And having strategists doing it also will make the same expansion.
What will you be looking for when you start judging the entries?
I will be looking for bold and simple ideas. Something that makes me feel and also transcribe that feeling into results without making it complicated.
What lasting impact might the current crisis have on creative work?
I think the current crisis will make us work simpler, smarter and faster. There is no time and resources to be wasted.

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