Maximiliano Arbes
Creative Director at Innvented
Montevideo, Uruguay

Maximiliano Arbes Interview(s)

PHNX Jury Interview 2024

Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury this year?
I believe that joining the creative jury of such a prestigious festival like the PHNX Awards is a beautiful responsibility, and its importance lies in having the opportunity to experience the best creative work from across the industry. It's a chance to discover unique pieces and gauge the overall health of the global creative industry.
What do you think of our hybrid jury, featuring creatives but also strategists, clients and people from all corners of the industry?
It's truly significant because the members of the diverse areas within the advertising industry bring different perspectives on how good the creative work is based on their respective roles. Each individual has the opportunity to add value to the creative process from their own standpoint, which is why it makes sense for them to be present as part of the jury.
What do you think of the idea of free entry until the shortlist stage?
I think it's a wise decision as it promotes and encourages the submission of creative pieces that we might not otherwise encounter, largely due to economic constraints. Offering free entry until the shortlist stage opens up opportunities for a broader range of creatives to participate.
How would you define the perfect PHNX Awards winner?
I'm not sure if I can provide a definitive answer to that. However, I can share the criteria I consider when giving a high score to a piece. Primarily, I look at three aspects:

Originality. I want to see something that stands out and is unlike anything else. Tension. The best ideas often emerge as responses to social tensions or issues. Execution. And this is the most unfair aspect, because good ideas can lose impact due to poor execution, while less incredible ideas can gain a lot of value through excellent execution.

In summary, an ideal winner on my opinion would be a creative piece that combines originality, relevance, and impeccable execution.
What is having the biggest impact on creative trends at the moment?
It's a tricky question because ideas that rely solely on a trend to be relevant quickly become irrelevant. That's not to say that seizing opportunities isn't valuable; quite the contrary. However, personally, I believe, trust, and value much more those timeless ideas—ones that withstand the test of time and remain relevant upon revisiting them years later.
Who would you nominate as your two or three “creatives of the year”?
Creativity extends far beyond the advertising industry. In fact, advertising draws creativity from many other areas. Therefore, when answering this question, I must necessarily step outside the industry. I won't name the top three creatives by any means, I'm not capable of doing that, but I will mention my three favorites.

1 - Donald Glover. A true artist who transforms everything he does into something relevant and uses his art to convey messages that transcend—such as the celebration of African-American culture in his series Atlanta.

2 - Anselmo Ramos. Strictly in the realm of advertising, Anselmo and the entire team at GUT have demonstrated superior creative work.

3 - My brother, who through his music manages to touch his audience with every show and every song. 'Touching' being a necessary quality for creating good creativity.

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