2022 AICP/NEXT Award Winners

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2022 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Influencer

Bless Your F*ing Cooch

AGENCY: Mischief @ No Fixed Address
BRAND: eos
CATEGORY: Influencer
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: EOS (Evolution of Smooth)

2022 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Influencer

Warzone in Paradise

AGENCY: 72andSunny
BRAND: Activision Blizzard/ Call of Duty
CATEGORY: Influencer
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: Activision

2022 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Influencer

The Lost Class

AGENCY: Leo Burnett Chicago
BRAND: Change the Ref Inc.
CATEGORY: Influencer
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: Change the ref