2023 AICP Post Awards Award Winners

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Branded Content
2023 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Docu-Style


AGENCY: Gentle Cowboys
BRAND: The Met, The Noguchi and Art Cake
CATEGORY: Docu-Style
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: The Metropolitan Museum of Art

2023 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Sound Design Over :60

Remember The Why

AGENCY: Johannes Leonardo
BRAND: adidas
CATEGORY: Sound Design Over :60
AWARD: Winner

2023 Association of Independent Commercial Producers AICP - Winner - Character Design & Animation

The Degen Trilogy: Run the Chain

AGENCY: Invisible North
BRAND: Coinbase
CATEGORY: Character Design & Animation
AWARD: Winner
ADVERTISER: Coinbase Global, Inc.