Jean-Philippe Martzel

Jean-Philippe Martzel

Head of Strategy & Business Intelligence at FRED & FARID
Paris, France


Head of Strategy & Business Intelligence
Paris, France
September 2017 - Present (7 years 6 months)
Managing Director - Head of Paris office
Paris, France
June 2016 - August 2017 (1 year 2 months)
General Manager & Chief Strategy Officer
Paris, France
March 2012 - May 2016 (4 years 2 months)
General Manager
Levallois-Perret, France
November 2014 - April 2016 (1 year 5 months)
Lost Boys was a DigitasLbi initiative to offer a new advertising approach inspired by digital culture.
Lost Boys has been creatively awarded for Hermès campaign, Maurice Lévy Wishes Velux, Wonderbra decoder app, Harrys and Médecins sans Frontières.
Head of integrated strategic planning
Boulogne-Billancourt, France
March 2011 - February 2012 (11 months)
In March 2011, Atjust has merged with Havas design and brand consulting agency : W&Cie.
Atjust became W-Atjust, W&cie digital and advertising departement.
I was in charge of a strategic departement active on design projects, digital and advertising. A very integrated experience both on virtual and physical sides of brands.
Partner - Head of strategy at Atjust
Bolloré Atjust
December 2009 - February 2011 (1 year 2 months)
Atjust was a start-up agency in Bolloré group. Idea was to build from scratch an agency were advertising meet digital. As Head of Strategy, I managed strategic planning for all our clients. I was directly involved in AEROPORTS DE PARIS communication strategy about shopping and services since summer 2010 after a pitch against DDB, Publicis and other big players.
For INCA (National Cancer Institut). We builded a very specific program based on community management and traditional media to sufferers and relatives.
General Manager
Neuilly sur Cedex, France
December 2006 - December 2009 (3 years)
As General manager, I was in charge of great brands (Microsoft, Parker-Waterman, Scholl-Durex, Opel, Blizzard studio) and directly involved in "company life" : organization, finance, culture, development .
But my first task was to organize agency digitalization process in creative, planning and account departments. It was a challenge, specially for such an old Madison avenue Lady. But we had some success with Nespresso, Sony Ericsson and Durex digital programs...
Strategy Director
Pantin, France
January 2002 - November 2006 (4 years 10 months)
BETC is one of the firsty european ad agency. EVIAN, AIR FRANCE, CANAL+... lots of work had been rewarded for these brands in the most prestigious festival.
For this period, I was in charge of strategy for ORANGE, PEUGEOT and CANAL+

In 2004 we've founded an in-door structure : La-Bo.
In La-Bo we'd experienced first steps in digital content before digital became DIGITAL.

My role was to spot digital trends, understand the digital future and understand consumer behaviour and match them with brand desires. I had to inspire traditional media planners, digital media directors and creatives alike...
Head of planning
Paris, France
March 1999 - December 2001 (2 years 9 months)
I had created the planning department (from 0 to 8 peoples around a big table in fake marble... What a time !) and i had the great opportunity to learn a lot from Bernbach culture wich is still a modern way to do this job.

I was in charge of VOLKSWAGEN strategy for France. We have been rewarded for lots of campaigns.
Head of planning
January 1998 - February 1999 (1 year 1 month)
I was in charge of strategic planning on Mercedes and France Telecom. This was the place where I've learnerd what was the planner role. This agency was very forward thinking for a 90's agency : works on brand contents (for Swatch), on product innovations (for Mac Morning and France Telecom), on media contents (France Télévision, Libération)....
Head of planning
January 1998 - February 1999 (1 year 1 month)
I was in charge of strategic planning on Mercedes and France Telecom. This was the place where I've learnerd what was the planner role. This agency was very forward thinking for a 90's agency : works on brand contents (for Swatch), on product innovations (for Mac Morning and France Telecom), on media contents (France Télévision, Libération)....
Consultant in public affairs
Euro RSCG (now Havas paris)
April 1987 - December 1997 (10 years 8 months)
I was consultant in public affairs for political parties and politicians.
I did lot of public campaigns against Aids, drugs...
For the French Ministry of Health and with the participation of Canal +, we created "A coups sûrs" five fictional audiovisual works to support fight against AIDS. Each of five young filmmakers, Marc Caro, Cédric Klapisch, Jacques Audiard, Gaspar Noé and Lucile Hadzihalilovic was assigned to a specific type of sexual intercourse. The series was broadcasted on Canal + every first Saturday of the month after the "Journal du Hard" and just before porn movie.
Consultant in public affairs
Euro RSCG (now Havas paris)
April 1987 - December 1997 (10 years 8 months)
I was consultant in public affairs for political parties and politicians.
I did lot of public campaigns against Aids, drugs...
For the French Ministry of Health and with the participation of Canal +, we created "A coups sûrs" five fictional audiovisual works to support fight against AIDS. Each of five young filmmakers, Marc Caro, Cédric Klapisch, Jacques Audiard, Gaspar Noé and Lucile Hadzihalilovic was assigned to a specific type of sexual intercourse. The series was broadcasted on Canal + every first Saturday of the month after the "Journal du Hard" and just before porn movie.
Directeur Général
Levallois-Perret, France


Dipmoma in Anthropology

2001 - 2003 (2 years)
My research was based on kids world : "kids bedrooms considered as main media of adolescence".

Diploma in Anthropology

2001 - 2003 (2 years)
My research was based on kids world : "kids bedrooms considered as main media of adolescence".

Master in communication and marketing

1991 - 1992 (1 year)

Master in communication and marketing

1991 - 1992 (1 year)

DESS urbanism and city planning

1989 - 1990 (1 year)

DESS - urbanism and city planning

1989 - 1990 (1 year)

licence + maîtrise in Geography certified in tropical regions

1986 - 1988 (2 years)
Master thesis on "Akloa, village of Litimé valley, West Togo Sorbonne Université. Written under supervision of Jean Delvert. 1988.

Other professional activities

Sciences Po, 75007 Paris

Lecturer : Digital Pop Culture
2014 - Present (11 years 2 months)

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