Mauro has a Degree in Business Administration from UFRJ and has worked in advertising for 29 years - 22 of them at Giovanni+Draftfcb. He has also worked at SGB, Fama and JWT. He was Executive Partner-Director at 4x4 Publicidade, an agency created in 2003 to serve Tim Celular. In 2005, he returned to Giovanni+Draftfcb, where he is currently Vice President of Customer Services and New Business in São Paulo. In addition to Tim, he has handled accounts of the size of Embratel, Ponto Frio, Pepsi, Bradesco, Petrobras, Cia. Vale do Rio Doce, Grupo Sendas, CCAA, Sky, Walt Disney, iG, Trip Linhas Aéreas and Gafisa.