Hey, I’m Dan. Or Daniel. Never Danny.
When I’m bored, I pass the time by making up portmanteau words. Most of them are terribawful.
And some might say that’s a bad thing. Some might also say that we never landed on the moon,
and that the Easter bunny is just a figment of my imagination. Clearly, some can't be trusted.
A lot of my unwords crash and burn - I welcome that.
It’s how I learned to pitch the ridiculous ideas that might have previously landed in the trash.
I write copy, but I'm not into labels. I love the big idea. And I’m definitely not a planner, but I stress over strategy.
In the end, I’m just a guy that loves making cool things, though I guess this is really just the start...
Examples of my work can be found online on AdAge, AdWeek, Ads of the World, BestAdsOnTV, Creativity, Communication Arts, FastCompany, PSFK and more.