Mike Grossman

Mike Grossman

Managing Partner, Public Relations at Schafer Condon Carter
Chicago, United States

About me

Mike Grossman is Managing Partner, and Director of Public Relations at SCC. But to call him a “PR” executive is to ignore the forward-thinking, genre-busting, mold-breaking team he’s inspired to redefine the role of PR in today’s ever-changing landscape. Combine that “think again” spirit with his classic PR experience at industry giants Leo Burnett, MS&L, Edelman and Burson-Marsteller, and you can begin to see exactly why SCC, and especially clients, count on Public Relations as a vital part of the marketing mix.

Mike’s list of blue-chip client experience includes Allen Edmonds, Eli Lilly, Allstate, the John Morrell Food Group, Brunswick, U.S. Army, Sony, General Motors, Coca Cola, Motorola, General Mills, Ralston Purina, Maytag, Arthur Anderson, The Rise Group, Sony, Citigroup, Kraft General Foods and Baxter Travenol.

He joined SCC in 2006 after building Leo Burnett Public Relations from a start-up into an elite, fast-growth, award-winning corporate marketing PR practice. He later helped merge that unit into MS&L and became Manning’s Chief Integration Officer. Prior to Burnett, Mike held senior account management positions at Edelman Worldwide, Burson-Marsteller and Porter/Novelli.

His ongoing professional training includes crisis and issues management at the University of Southern California; integrated marketing at Northwestern University; and marketing and business management at the University of Chicago. He received his undergraduate degree from Illinois State University — and appreciates an NHL forecheck just as much as the forecheck SCC | Grossman has been delivering to the notion of “traditional PR.” 


Managing Partner, Public Relations

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