Tali Gumbiner

Tali Gumbiner

Senior Copywriter at Mccann New York
New York, United States
New York, United States
November 2013 - April 2015 (1 year 5 months)
Creative/ Copywriter
New York, United States
December 2012 - November 2013 (11 months)
Creative Assistant
New York, United States
February 2011 - December 2012 (1 year 10 months)
Literary Assistant/ Intern
Maria Carvainis Agency, Inc.
September 2010 - February 2011 (5 months)

Assistant Editor
the list are you on it.com
April 2008 - December 2010 (2 years 8 months)
Creative Intern
Los Angeles, United States
June 2008 - September 2008 (3 months)


Master of Fine Arts (MFA) - Fiction

2016 - Present (9 years 2 months)

Bachelor of Arts (BA) with honors - English and Psychology

2006 - 2010 (4 years)

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