Isabelle Van Tomme

Isabelle Van Tomme

International coordinator Communication Management and tourism and leisure management at Howest University College West Flanders, Kortrijk
Kortrijk, Belgium

About me


Isabelle Van Tomme is a lecturer and Senior Course Tutor at the Faculty of Communication Management in Howest university college, Kortrijk, Belgium. She holds a MA in applied linguistics (Spanish-English) and a BA in Commercial Organisation and marketing. Academically she focuses on various fields such as English, intercultural communication and sales-marketing.

She is also acting as international relations officer for the faculty of Communication Management.

Prior to full-time lecturing Isabelle worked as a sales consultant and sales communication manager for the advertising department of Corelio ( now Mediahuis) one of the biggest media concerns in Flanders. This position allowed her to experience various aspects of the advertising world advertising (agency/advertiser/media).

Board member of The European Association of Communications Agencies ( EACA) , together with the founding academic partners, has set up the European Institute for Commercial Communications Education (edcom). The institute strives to promote excellence in commercial communications education and research and to further exchanges between the European commercial communications sector and academic partners. ( )


International coordinator Communication Management and tourism and leisure management
Kortrijk, Belgium
September 2012 - Present (12 years 6 months)
lecturer_coordinator Communication management_sales
Hogeschool West-Vlaanderen
October 1998 - Present (26 years 5 months)

English/Business English
Direct mail

Sales techniques
Presentation skills
Intercultural communication
head of communication regional advertising
Corelio media group
January 1995 - October 1998 (3 years 9 months)
sales executive
April 1986 - January 1995 (8 years 9 months)
sales executive
Promedia (yellow pages)
February 1985 - August 1985 (6 months)


getuigschrift pedagogische bekwaamheid, education

Bachelor’s Degree, commercial communication

master in applied linguistics, translator English_Spanish

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