Louisa Harvey

Louisa Harvey

Film Partnerships Account Manager at Lime Communications
United Kingdom

About me

This profile was created because Louisa Harvey has been referenced on AdForum.


Account Manager Twentieth Century Fox
Lime Communications
April 2017 - Present (7 years 11 months)
Working on behalf of the film studio Twentieth Century Fox theatrical account at Lime Communications, negotiating and facilitating Euro and UK Film Promotions & Brand Partnerships.
Commercial Marketing Manager
O2 (Telefónica UK)
February 2016 - Present (9 years 1 month)

• Developing the consumer Pay As You Go acquisition strategy by identifying which customers to acquire. Working across the business with finance, commercial trading and propositions & pricing to define and deliver against the gross volume targets per tariff and channel, and helping develop the propositions required to attract the right customers
• Project managing the PAYG Xmas and January sale promotions, working alongside Finance and the Direct Trading team to business case, define user journeys, collate assets, create T&Cs, and sign off all copy & creative
• Instrumental in helping to exceed targets, driving £389.1m Revenue, 248.4M Controllable Contribution= +£6.9M favourable to target, and £337.1m MGSR (Mobile Gross Service Revenue)
• Working collaboratively with Business Intelligence and sales channels to understand the quality of customer acquired through each channel and on each tariff, to ensure the most profitable channel and tariff mix is pursued. As well as commissioning research and analytics to understand customers wants and needs to refine propositions and develop tactical offers
• Helping create commercially viable tactical promotions to support sales targets, business-casing them with Finance, and working them through the Marcomms process with external agencies to ensure timely delivery and clear, accurate communication. And working them through for effective execution across all customer touch points in sales and service channels
• Creatively exploring and assessing new propositions, promotions, channels and communication methods to continue to acquire the customers we need and effectively deliver our message to the market
• Tracking performance of these plans and initiatives, and intervening and supporting where needed to ensure delivery against gross volume and/or MGSR. Developing the insight gained from working with different stakeholders across the business to ensure maximum performance and inform future plans


Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) Field Of Study Media and Performing Arts Grade 2:1

2000 - 2003 (3 years)
Activities and Societies: Demon FM Presenter, Promoter & Researcher Dissertation: 'Exploring How, And To What Effect Disability Is Represented In A Sexual Context.' (Using a mixture of Quantitative and Qualitative research methods)

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