Dan Lynch

Dan Lynch

President and CEO at Wire Stone
San Francisco, United States

About me

As a marketing services business leader with more than 20 years of experience, I provide strategic guidance on Wire Stone's offerings and overall market positioning. I develop and empower the company's leaders to ensure delivery and operational excellence. I am heavily involved in key client relationship and in establishing growth strategies for the agency. Prior to Wire Stone, I spent five years at Organic as president of e-commerce and chief officer of global business development. 


President and CEO
San Francisco, United States
June 2003 - Present (21 years 9 months)
A leading independent digital marketing agency, Wire Stone is the trusted partner of global Fortune 1000 brands. Our people deliver marketing strategies and solutions based in customer insight and marked by an ownable brand position. Our creative, technology, and analytical acumen propels our clients’ businesses forward from both a leadership and a results standpoint.

We are defined by our ability to create activation through insight – a deep understanding of the customer lifecycle - and we have had great success for our technology, retail and consumer products, manufacturing, and healthcare clients.

Our Labs practice delivers groundbreaking immersive experiences that tap into new and powerful technologies and tools, enabling Wire Stone to bring inventive new approaches to clients in both B2B and B2C markets. Our clients include HP, Microsoft, Intel, Boeing, Motorola, Facebook, Carbonite and dozens of other leading organizations.

Visit wirestone.com to see our practice areas, which include customer profiling, channel enablement, portals, content strategy, social media, closed-loop measurement, and more.
Chief Officer Global Business Development
Organic Online
February 1999 - December 2002 (3 years 10 months)
Responsible for growth at Organic Online, an innovator in online media and one of the Internet’s fastest growing digital agencies. Experienced company growth from $20-$150M in revenues. Managed the global new business organization and existing account teams’ growth strategies. Responsible for sales results in offices across the US, Europe and Asia. Established long-term relationships with market leaders in every key vertical including, automotive, financial, healthcare, entertainment, telecom, energy, retail, and more. Participated in the companies IPO process, earning a height of $1.5B Market Cap. Participated in re-engineering efforts as part of the internet downturn. Helped prepare the company for sale to Omnicom. Supported the integration of Organic online services into Omnicom’s Diversified Agency Services. Also previously held the position of Chief Logistics Officer at Organic, responsible for developing and integrating eCommerce fulfillment and logistics professional services into the agency's digital marketing business.
Sr. Vice President Sales and Marketing
February 1993 - March 1999 (6 years 1 month)
Technicolor Entertainment Services was a start up division of Technicolor. Responsibilities included development of a new business plan and model in Film and Marketing Distribution. As a founding partner in this new company, I was responsible for conceptualizing the business, structuring the operational infrastructure, and then selling the services into the major film studios and exhibitors through out the US. Within 3 years the company had signed multi-million dollar exclusive deals with Disney, Miramax, Warner Bros, Universal Pictures, DreamWorks, Sony, and several of the other studios in Hollywood. Within that same time frame the company established a financial arrangement with virtually every major theatre chain in the US. This business was a high growth business and strategically strengthened Technicolor's it position as a facilitator of change in Hollywood. The business, now with hundreds of employees, is thriving and has led to considerable growth and strategically positioned the company for its important transition into Digital Cinema.
Managing Director Entertainment Sales
Airborne Express
1983 - 1988 (5 years)


Marketing - Business

1983 - 1987 (4 years)

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