Christine Aliferis

Christine Aliferis

Creative Consultant Copywriter at Freelance
Greater New York City Area, United States

About me

SAMSUNG | VISA | BLACK ROCK | PRUDENTIAL | AETNA | AMEX | UPS | Ogilvy | Digitas | Atmosphere | Freelance/Staff

TWITTER: @seealiferis
INSTAGRAM: Seealiferis

One of my TV spots for Citizens Bank was in Time Magazine's top 10. ,28804,2101344_2101187_2101186,00.html

And a video I wrote for UPS went viral with almost a million hits:

I'm a fast, smart, collaborative creative who solves marketing problems with solid, conceptual thinking.

My diverse advertising experience combines skills in traditional and emerging media with a passion for new technologies.

Specialties: Strong brand ideas in digital, video, print, TV, radio, out of home, branded content, social media, interactive, guerrilla.
Compelling headlines, body copy, tag lines, long form content, you name it.


Copywriter/Creative Director/Writer
United States
April 2010 - Present (14 years 11 months)
Brands need to skip ads and start telling stories. I help my clients tell those stories through idea-driven content and campaigns in social, content, apps, sites, advertising—you name it. I thrive working with a diverse team and facing new challenges. A native New Yorker and ad-woman, I'm as unflappable as they come. When I need inspiration to jump start my neurons, I just look around this great, unknowable city.
Creative Consultant/Copywriter
Prudential Financial Group LLC
October 2016 - February 2017 (4 months)
Social posts, longform copy, infographics, B2B, consumer
Creative Consultant/CW
New York, United States
2013 - 2016 (3 years)
Concepting, writing and crafting Gerber Baby Food video series consisting of 46 instructional videos about childhood feeding & development. Then jumped onto Blackrock, Siemens, Aetna and Pitney Bowes.


BA English

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