Donesh Olyaie is a former Coldstone Creamery manager who somehow fell into advertising. As a digitally-certified planner, Donesh leads the planning discipline at MullenLowe and has previously lead teams at David&Goliath, Deutsch Los Angeles, and Keurig Dr Pepper. He has experience across categories including QSR, Retail, Hospitality, CPG, Electronics, Software, Healthcare, Automobile, and more. Professional highlights include Kia’s national and global rebrands, PetSmart’s national campaign launch, and the US Forest Service’s “Descrubre El Bosque” project.
As a leader Donesh builds strategy departments that meet evolving marketing landscapes. As a strategist Donesh is drawn to niche audiences as bellwethers for bigger trends. As a person Donesh tries (and fails) to learn the Bassoon.
Prior to marketing Donesh worked as a strategist in the political world which is similar to marketing but the hours are way worse. A southern California native, Donesh earned a BA from the University of Southern California and an MFA from Yale. Donesh loves to travel and his best travel memory was having a Buddhist monk in Bhutan read his fortune which included a warning to never drive a green car.