overall responsibility for the world-wide marketing and communications, incl. M&As, business repositioning and re-brandings of all companies wishing the economic group
Strategy development and control of all marketing communications of BalkanStar GroupCoordination of all departments and companies within the automotive group interms of marketing communicationsOverall responsibility for the media relations on product and corporate levelEstablishment of Corporate Communications department; definition of the tasksand targets and leading the teamCorporate identity of Balkan Star, brand positioning and brand architectureMacroeconomic monitoring, automotive market monitoring and mediamonitoring, ad budgets researches etc.Employees’ relations (incl. corporate newsletter, internal meetings, intranet portaland data base etc.)Sponsoring and donations, CSR policy
Marketing Professional Commercial Vehicles (Daimler brands)
Organization and implementation of all marketing communications for theproduct groups Mercedes-Benz Vans, Mercedes-Benz Trucks, Specializedvehicles and Unimog, buses and coaches Mercedes-Benz and SetraPlanning, coordination and control of the marketing budgetsMarket segmentation, product pricing and customer relationsParticipation in the sales planning and negotiations with DaimlerChrysler AGPlanning and implementing the media politics regarding all commercial vehicles
PR support and strengthening of the brands MAN and Evrokamion as well as theimage of the President, internal PR;Coordination with the communication, advertising and marketing departments atMAN Commercial Vehicles, Germany;implementation of the CI and corporate image in Bulgaria; media relations incl.organization of journalists’ visits to MAN central organized events; regular pressreleases;Event management; fairs and exhibitions participation;Ads and advertising (as well as POS) materials, decorations, researches anddecisions for the companies to fulfill different services;Event and media planning; company web-site content
Reputation managementMarketing communication campaigns (research, planning, implementing,evaluating), presentations, events, promotions, production and distribution ofadvertising and POS articles, coordination with the manufacturers responcible forBulgaria, brands managers and regional representatives in the country,PR (external and internal)