Teenage troublemaker > Roofer > Carpenter's apprentice > Cabinetmaker's apprentice > College Student > Fine Artist > Social Worker > HS Art Teacher > Husband > back for my Masters > College level Art Teacher > Father > Founder of Design Studio > Photographer> Bartender by night > Realtor > Photographer's Rep > Illustrators Rep > Designer's Rep > 15 yrs as Film Rep (unknowingly became the very first "independent rep" in the US) >11 yrs as an Animation Rep > (8 yrs with start up, PIXAR as their first Rep) > Founder of Backyard Productions (live action) 22 yrs > Head of Sales for London based Passion Pictures (Animation) >Co-Founder of Tricky Pictures (Animation) > Co- Founder of Transistor Studios (Animation) > Executive Producer at Digital Kitchen ( Design and Production) >2011, Founder and EP of Seed Media Arts.
I connect talented people to other like minded, talented people, for their mutual success through Seed Media Arts. (I learned early to stop being a trouble maker. )