Nicolás has born in Bogotá, Colombia. He studied Advertising at Jorge Tadeo Lozano University.
He started to work in advertising in 2.000. He has worked in J. Walter Thompson since 2.005
He has worked for several clients such as: Ford, Sedal, Nestlé, Juan Valdez, Axe, Museo Nacional, Renault, Fundación Cardio Infantil, Colpatria, Club Colombia, Colmena, Codensa, Samsung, Teletón, Revista Shock, Kraft, Alpina, Hero, Claro etc.
Nicolás also were part of the team that developed the last campaign of the current president of Colombia Juan Manuel Santos.
He was Awarded in Cannes, D&AD, NewYork Festival, Festival el sol, Fiap, Caribe, Nova, Effie and more
in 2009 he was jury of the most important design awards in Colombia, The Lapiz de Acero.