Alberto Leandro Morales Sánchez

Alberto Leandro Morales Sánchez

Creative Director at Sancho BBDO
Bogota, Colombia

About me

My name is Alberto Morales aka. Buentypo, a senior art director with +15 years of experience and a strong artistic background. My work focuses on offering highly creative, innovative and artistic advertising solutions to different business problems using passion, design and strategy.

During my career, I have led teams at several international communication networks, managing major international and local brands. Clients whose work has achieved recognition at creative awards as Warc 100, The Webby Awards, The One Show, Clio Awards, Wave Festival, FIAP, Cannes Lions, Ojo de Iberoamérica, El Dorado Festival, Effie Colombia and Effie LATAM.

At the beginning of my career, I performed as a multidisciplinary editorial team director for, one of the first Latinamerican online publications around art, science and technology. Whereas a group leader brought me to actively participate in art and cutting-edge technology exhibitions. We achieved to publish +12 editions for both digital and printed media, in addition to conducting workshops and performance events.


creative director
Bogotá, Colombia
March 2014 - 2021 (6 years 10 months)
To date, I lead a multidisciplinary unit made up of 7 senior creative teams committed to Postobon legacy brands and new generations, while actively participating in digital tool workshops such as the Facebook Blueprint Certification, Snapchat Advertising Essentials and The Omnicon Security Training Program. During this period our work has been featured in Ads of the World, Adage, Adlatina, Bestads of TV, The Stable, Creative Pool, Marketing News, Cresta Awards and Branding News, among others

With high-level responsibilities leading the growth for several brands, our work achieved high-level results with several parallel campaigns in addition to our teams' success, winning several local and regional pitches such as Aviatur and Pepsi's h2oh !, Lays, and Doritos.

ACCOUNTS: Postobón S.A. (largest Colombian beverage company, and also one of the largest in South America). Bretaña, Agua Cristal, Nacimiento. Postobón New generations. Mr.Tea and Hatsu. William Grant & Sons. Hendricks, Monkey Shoulder, Glelnfiddich, Grant's, Tequila Milagros. Cerveza Panama Light and NGO's such as Fundación Hogar la Divina Misericordia. Pepsico. H2oh!, Gatorade, 7up. Pepsico Alimentos. Doritos, Detodito, Manimoto, Cheetos, Lays. Alimentos Polar. Dogourmet, Avena Quaker and Ohmaigat), Grupo VA. El Corral, Papa John's. Arturo Calle and Baloto (Lottery).

Other professional activities

PHNX Tribute 2020

Awards Jury Member

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