Shannon Peel

Shannon Peel

Creative Entrepreneurial Owner at MarketAPeel
Vancouver, Canada


Brand Storyteller
2016 - Present (9 years 2 months)
A platform to help brands build authority and gain credibility while connecting with a community of individuals who are creating an appealing life, career, or business.

The BrandAPeel Podcast: Brand Storytelling in the Digital Age.
The APeeling Digital Magazine: e-books of information about various topics
The UnPeeled Blog: Articles and interviews

MarketAPeel partners with thought leaders to offer the following services:
Brand Storytelling Agency.
Brand Storytelling Coaching.
Brand Storytelling Community.
Brand Storytelling Courses and education.

Community Engagement for RAYL.Chat and PR for
May 2021 - March 2022 (10 months)
Working with RAYL leadership to grow users and engagement on RAYL.Chat.
Working to find opportunities to tell the RAYL story on third party platforms

Other professional activities


Facilitate panel discussions to encourage panelists to tell their stories to the audiences Give speeches about storytelling, branding, and communication

Political Federal Candidate

Campaign Management
Campaign management and communications director for a candidate in the Federal Election (2021). Story strategy development Policy briefings Public relations Media relations Social Media advertising Communications with lobbyists Communications with voters Communication with volunteers Speech writing Management of campaign and GOTV Organised events

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