Andrés Mejía ( andreche )

Andrés Mejía ( andreche ) (ANDRECHE)

Creative director / head of art at Delirio & twain
Madrid , Spain

About me

I studied graphic design in Colombia and started working in 2001 at DDB Cali, for good performance I was transferred to Bogota and there I spent several years as art director, then I worked in Fischer America as head of art of the entire agency and creative director of a group, two years later I was called by Leo Burnett to take the creative direction of the most important accounts of the agency.
Then for personal reasons I decided to come to Madrid to run a digital agency called MPC, three years later Eva Santos and Mauricio Rocha who had founded Delirio & Twain called me to be in charge of the creative group, currently I am in Delirio.
Throughout my career I have received recognition and awards at major advertising festivals, Cannes, Clio, NYF, LIA, among others.


Creative Director
Delirio & Twain
February 2021 - Present (4 years 1 month)
I am creative director and head of art for Madrid and Bogota, in charge not only of reviewing the team's ideas but also of sitting down to design and create, from a logo to a 360º campaign.
Director Creativo
Bogotá, Colombia
2010 - 2017 (7 years)
Director de arte
Medellin, Colombia
2000 - 2008 (8 years)


Graphic Design

February 1995 - November 2000 (5 years 9 months)
Study graphic design with artistic emphasis in fine arts, cali colombia

Other professional activities

PHNX 2024

Awards Jury Member

PHNX 2025

Awards Jury Member

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