Why did you think it was important to join the PHNX jury?
I don't want unoriginal ideas to be awarded this year. New ideas deserve awards, that's why I'll try to focus on clever and surprisingly innovative thinking. I'll be merciless with the advertising ideas already seen before.
What impact do you think the event might have on the industry?
A positive one. It's always healthy to have an open and objective international competition.
What do you think of the hybrid jury, which includes strategists and journalists alongside creatives?
We have to try new things in order to renew the awards industry and I think it's a clever move to be more inclusive and better represent the diversity of profiles that gravitate in our industry environment.
What will you be looking for when you start judging the entries?
I'll be looking for innovation, fresh ideas and clever new approaches. It has to be entertaining and right to the point.
What lasting impact might the current crisis have on creative work?
It's hard to say right now. We'll see clearer in a few months or years if it had any impact at all.