Alexandre Meneses
Creative Supervisor & Art Director at Wunderman Thompson Lisbon
Lisboa, Portugal
Cerebral palsy patients are seen as people with difficulties and almost no intellectual capacities due to their disease. Leaving them without chances of working and depending on donations and help from NGOs like the Portuguese Association of Cerebral Palsy (APCL). That’s why to help NGOs such as APCL, every year, Portuguese taxpayers can donate 0.5% of their tax return to an NGO without any cost to them.

But has recent GFK study shows, most NGOs struggle to find donations because 61% of the Portuguese didn’t do their donation the past year. Although the main reason it’s not that people don’t want to help. It’s simply because they don’t know how to do their taxes on their own and prefer to hire accountants to help them with it. So how can NGO’s get the Portuguese’s donations when they are not the ones filling their own taxes?


We created a team of accountants with cerebral palsy, trained by certified CPAs, that helped people fill their taxes in exchange for something that didn’t have any cost to their clients - the assignment of their 0.5% donation to APCL.

That way, while working from the NGO’s facilities like a regular accountant office, our team helped turn tax donations into a win-win situation for both taxpayers and our NGO and proved that cerebral palsy patients can do what we can’t do.

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