Kathy Bradshaw is the editor of the Times Free Press' magazine Chatter. She has worked in journalism in some capacity for the past 11 years, previously as executive editor of Where Y’at magazine in New Orleans. She has a master’s degree in English (professional writing) from the University of New Orleans.
Kathy has lived in France for a total of more than three years at various times – having studied at the Sorbonne and interned with the French Senate, among other French adventures – and she is fluent in French. She is a total word and grammar nerd, loves cheesy puns/dad jokes, and currently lives in Chattanooga, Tennessee, with her pet crawfish, Hixson, and a cat aptly named Comma.
A devoted member of the C.O.W.S. (Chattanooga Open-Water Swimmers), Kathy swims long miles in various bodies of water, including a 12.6-mile swim around Charleston, South Carolina. She has a love/hate relationship with jellyfish.